Sunday, January 24, 2010

They Played!

Well, I'm pleased.  The children played, you see.  They did what they were supposed to do.

We had this pesky thing going on here where the children didn't live up to expectations.  At various times, they didn't want visitors.  They didn't want to go over to other people's houses.  They appeared completely uninterested in each other.

This really put a cramp in any plans we had for building up an image of carefree childhood with frequent social contact.  People get a little nervous about that social piece if it isn't there.  Ahem.  I get a little nervous about that social piece if it isn't there.  And it's always there, of course.  How are you going to avoid people in a family?

Well, yesterday the stars aligned.  All parties ended up in one house, all willing to be there and stay there with no machinations on our part.  And they played!  And we got to watch them.  Was it nice because they were just being who they were?  Yes, definitely.

Also, a bonus.  I got to check that thing off on my list.  They played together.  There. They appear normal now.  I took pictures to prove it.


  1. Julie, I am having great fun following White Hawk Talk, and have just learned today how to "subscribe" so your entries come to me inbox! I like your photos and your self-criticism (in the anarchist sense), and the excitement and love you have for your new home. :-)

    Liza Cobb

  2. I think kids having the opportunity for "down time" and "personal time" is great, too, especially in an intentional community where there might be more contact than most of us are used to! I think the idea of an ebb and flow is really natural. Thanks for giving a well-rounded picture!
